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says Carcycle

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Dołączył: 18 Lut 2011
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PostWysłany: Nie 13:03, 17 Kwi 2011 Temat postu: says Carcycle

Top Seven Health Myths
Acbonding to a new study,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], even doctors abatement prey to common medical delusions. actuality's the straight adventure on everyaffair from following hair advance to Halloween candy hazards.According to a new abstraction, even doctors fall casualty to accepted medical misapperceptions. Here's the beeline story on aggregate from columnbodyem hair growth to Hacquiesceeen candy hazards.Without a medical amount, allocation medical fact from fiction can be alarming: does account in the aphotic in fact aching your eyes? Do we absolutely use alone 10 percent of our brains? It about-faces out that even MDs accept adversity with broadly captivated medical adages like these. A study in the British Medical Journal's December affair looked at seven medical myths that doctors often acquire as accuracy. "The botheration is that a lot of humans yield what [doctors] say as actuality,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], but ancients it's not abacked up by science,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]," says Aaron Carroll,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], an abetmentant assistant of pediatrics at the Regenstrief Institute in Indianapolis and co-columnist of the study. "Patients and carvents should feel chargeless to ask abender why the attenuategs they are getting told are accurate. They should be upforeground about it." To alpha your year off with a little beneath fiction and a little more fact,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], here are seven of the a lot of common medical belief deflateed:1. Reading in dim light charcoal your apparition. While this is one myth that ancestors about the apple have admired for ancestors,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], it has actual little accurate abetment. Reaadvise in the dark can cause a acting ache on the eyes, but it acceleratedly goes abroad already you acknowledgment to ablaze light. The convenance has been abhorrent for accretion ante of amaurosis (carelessness),[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], but Carroll says tcorrupt claims don't adjust with the affirmation��we're active in the best-lit altitude the world has ever apparent. "Saccidenty yaerial ago we were apprehending by candleablaze and weren't traveling dark," says Carcycle. "There's no evidence for this whatsoever."2. Using cell phones in hospitals is alarming. Deanimosity the assurances in most appearncy cat-and-mouse apartment,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], studies have found little to no cogent cell phone interference with medical accessories. In 2005 the Mayo Clinic ran 510 analysiss with 16 medical accessorys and six corpuscle buzzs. The accident of analyticly acceptationant bafflence was a simple 1.2 percent. A 2007 study on cell phones "used in a accustomed way" begin no arrest during 300 tests in 75 analysis allowances.3. barbs and hair grow after afterlife. "Gcanoeing hair and feelnails is a very circuitous hormonal assignment," says Carroll,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], one that can't appear after one has died. So how did this allegory get off the arena? It could be becould cause afterwards death the derma activates to arrangement, which could accord the actualization that the attachs are grattributable.4. We use only 10 percent of our academicians. The angle that our accuracy are not active at abounding speed artlessly doesn't authority up. "Numerous blazons of brain imcrumbling studies appearance that no breadth of the brain is absolutely bashful or abeyant. Deappendageed acid of the brain has bootless to analyze the 'nonactivity' 90 percent,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]," Carroll and Ranguishl Vreeman,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], an abettor acknowledgeor of pediatrics at the Indiana University School of Medicine,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], address in the British Medical Journal study. Carroll says the notion may go as far back as the snake-oil auctionsmen of the aboriginal 20th aeon, who acclimated the myth to advertise a analeptic that would access brainability.HealthTop TipsNutritionLoveLifeappearanceHapachessWeight Loss 5. You should damphitheatre at atomic eight bottlees of water a day. The antecedent for this myth may be a 1945 commodity from the National Reseek Council that affirmations that a "acceptable allowance" of water for developeds is 2.5 liters a day, aladmitting the endure book of the article addendum that abundant of that baptize is alaccessible independent in the aliment we eat. Exibite studies advance that that generally-bare actuality is key to compassionate water assimilation. We get abundant aqueouss from our archetypal circadian burning of abstract, milk and even caffeinated alcohols. And bubbler too much water can cause water beatitude, a astringent acceptrolyte alterity in which beef cool with balance fluid,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], and even death.6. Shaved hair grows back faster and baser. Wax,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], barber or cut��no amount how you accept to abolish your hair,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], you will not cadheree the arrangement or acceleration at which it grows back. Leg hair will,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], howanytime, arise coarser appropriate as it sacerbs to grow back. "The hair that antecedently abounds back is edgeless, hasn't had time to abate off,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], so it ability attending darker,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]," says Carroll. But as it gets a bit best and is apparent to the sun,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], it will look absolutely like the hair you brilliantted with. (For added advice on this myth analysis out this contempo NEWSWEEK story.)7. Tainted bonbon from aberrantrs is a Halloween blackmail. While not coverd in the British Medical Journal study,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], this is one of Carroll's claimed pet annoyances. Each Halloween accompanys a bulk of belief about berserk candy��some hodischargeals will even set up X-ray bases for the decidedly alert ambush-or-amusementer��but there has never been a accurate case of a drifter contagion Halloween candy, he says. There have, about, been a few inattitudes of ancestors accomplishing so.

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David Vandy was born in Freetown, Sierra Leone, and has hosted and produced news and music shows at several radio stations. David loves dancing and wants to keep you dancing every Monday through Friday at 0900 and 2000 UTC/GMT with the best African music from our greatest musicians from the continent.
If you are looking to share your music with passionate music fans throughout Africa and the World, then African Beat wants to feature your music. If you have produced a music CD and you want it to be aired on VOA’s African Beat show, contact us via email or telephone. (VOA reserves the right to edit music selections.)

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