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or vibrational frequency

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PostWysłany: Pią 7:15, 07 Sty 2011 Temat postu: or vibrational frequency

As interest in alternative medicine is growing rapidly, many folks have now heard of Bach Flower Essences or 'Flower Remedies',[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], the most famous being Dr. Edward Bach's Rescue Remedy formulation. This essence blend is commonly used to calm the emotions in traumatic or stressful situations. Many, many flower essences are now available, for a great variety of emotional or psychological conditions. Here we'll have a look at several that are commonly used to support women's health through the healing of emotional wounds or unhealthy psychological patterns. Consistent and proper use of these essences may allow women with negative self images or repressed feminine expression to truly shine forth and fully take part in life.What are flower essences? Think of the beauty and delicacy of a flower, the purity and radiance of a single violet in springtime. Imagine if we could capture the essence, the pure vibrational quality of that flower, and take that exquisite frequency within our being to heal the weariness in our soul or the sorrow in our heart. This is the art and science of creating flower essences. As with homeopathic remedies, flower essences work by their unique vibrational signatures, not by the actual substance that is ingested. Homeopathic remedies tend to work closer to the physical body, whereas flower essences have their greatest effect on the mind, emotions, and spirit. They act at a subtle level to restore harmony and infuse positive energy into the subtle energy matrix which forms the foundation of our physical life. Essences are traditionally made by placing flowers in a bowl of water in the sunlight for 4 to 5 hours. The effect of the sunlight is to transfer the energetic imprint, or vibrational frequency, of the flowers into the water. Each flower has its own very specific frequency, and water is a medium which can hold that kind of energetic imprint. Once the water has been fully imprinted, it is then decanted into bottles and preserved, usually with brandy. Here are a few essences which may help the divine feminine in reaching its potential within you.Alpine Lily flower essence can support the acceptance of one's femininity through a more vibrant relationship with the female body, helping overcome an overly abstract sense of femininity where one feels disembodied or alienated,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], perhaps seeing the female organs as 'lower'. Women in need of this essence tend to favor that which is more cosmic and virginal, and find it difficult to identify with the earthly aspect of the feminine. They have many spiritual attributes and actively use higher feminine forces, but do not integrate this consciousness with the physical body. Negative impressions of the female body are often unconsciously absorbed from the mother or from the larger culture. Because the soul does not fully identify with or inhabit the female body, physical stress and disharmony can result in the reproductive organs,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], in the sexual function,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], or in the biological experience of pregnancy and nursing. Alpine Lily stimulates the integration of the feminine and female selves, promoting circulation between the higher and lower energy centers. The soul learns that its full energy and potential depends of the utilization of the bodily female as well as the spiritual feminine.The flower essence of Pomegranate supports expression of the sensual, where this may have been repressed through any number or sources. Pomegranate is indicated in almost every case of negative self image tied to sexuality, allowing a full connection to the second chakra of the pelvis. For this reason, it's also used as an aphrodisiac, allowing a comfortable connection to this source of femininity. This is especially useful for women whom do not feel a connection to this area of their body; this may have even resulted in disease in the area, and oftentimes a more positive mindset will accelerate healing in these cases.On to the flower essence of Hibiscus...Hibiscus can return warmth and responsiveness in female sexuality,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], integrating soul warmth with bodily passion. It helps alleviate the inability to connect with positive feminine sexual expression,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], often due to prior exploitation or abuse. The repression may also be a result of absorption of negative or commercialized stereotypes of female sexuality, which have the subliminal effect of degrading one's own strength in this area. Hibiscus essence helps women reclaim their sexuality and restore these soul forces with vitality and authenticity.Beech flower essence is supportive of positive attitude, acceptance and tolerance, particularly where one may have grown up in an environment of criticism and harsh expectation. Often this lack of self esteem or oversensitivity to one's environment is expressed through verbal criticism or harsh judgment of others. Beech flower essence softens the soul pain such persons feel; as they re-establish connection with their Higher Self, they sense the love an unconditional acceptance that radiates from the spiritual world. Through this warmth of soul, they are able to let go of their harsh and blaming ways, to accept others in the same way that they are accepted by the spiritual world. Lastly, the essence of the majestic Sunflower may bring a bright,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], strong sense of individuality, and allow this individual persona to shine forth in the world. It is often used as a remedy where the relationship with the father figure in one's life has been difficult, resulting in a repression of one's joy and light. Sunflower will also bring balance where insecurity instead manifests through self-glory and aggrandizement. Here, sunflower brings out the quality of warmth and loving compassion. In general,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], sunflower heals a woman's distortions or disturbances in their relationship to the masculine, often associated with a conflicted relationship with their father in childhood.These essences are often used by women for their healing, and there are many others available to support other aspects of your personal growth. Many guides are available on the internet and in print to help you find other flower remedies that may support your particular situation. Flower essences are safe, and not contraindicated with any medical treatment, and may be an effective adjunct by healing one's emotions or psyche. This can support the most important component of natural health and wellness - the power of a positive mind and happy heart.
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