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Drug defined

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PostWysłany: Pon 5:12, 10 Sty 2011 Temat postu: Drug defined

The same Vitamin A is used in the skin turnover process to help generate the new cells that replace the dead ones. The vitamin provides a temporary boost in the production of collagen and can lend the skin a more youthful appearance for a while. Over time, the lack of oxygen and nutrients would allow the formation of harmful free radicals that slowly damage the elastic fibers and collagen, which keep the skin strong and flexible. The result is usually the appearance of premature wrinkles. It is also thought likely that the repeated pursing of lips when inhaling smoke helps build wrinkles around the mouth, while the heat of the burning cigarette tip is also damaging the skin. Healthy skin is a sign of good health. The skin is the largest vital organ in our body,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], which is comprised of about two billion cells and has a surface area of around two square meters. Although only very few people can actually have the perfect skin and complexion, we can do something to bring out the best in our skin.Alcohol is often mentioned in one breath with drugs,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], especially when the subject is abuse or addiction. More often,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], alcohol is referred to as a separate substance and in fact, its abuse is often discussed separately from that of drugs. But can alcohol be considered a drug? Drug defined: If a textbook definition is used, a drug may be defined as a substance that has an effect on living cells and their function and is also used for medical purposes for the diagnosis, prevention and cure of disorders and diseases. As such,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], alcohol may not be considered as a drug since it is not used directly to effect a cure. However, it is also a substance that can have similar effects to drugs to disinfect, act as an analgesic, a tranquilizer or rarely, a stimulant. The link between alcohol and drugs: Alcohol is said to possibly be a contributor to health as some are some drugs,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], but alcohol, like some drugs can be addictive. When used in moderate amounts, alcohol has been said to improve cardiovascular health. However, health experts discourage non-drinkers to start drinking alcohol for the sole reason of benefiting the heart. They recommend that other methods such as exercising and eating a good diet, should be considered as the first line of defense.Stress can be seen from two perspectives. There is the subjective feeling of the individual that is experiencing the stress and the underlying physiological and psychological changes that are going on inside that persons body. From a subjective perspective consuming alcohol is often seen as a way to reduce stress but some studies have shown that the stress responses in the body are in fact increased when alcohol is taken. This article will discuss stress and the affect that alcohol has on the body. Most people have 'let off a bit of steam' on Friday night at the end of a long working week. Quite often this involves drinking alcohol. Alcohol is thought to reduce inhibitions and generally allow the person to be themselves. This is seen as a good way to relieve stress and take the persons mind off troubles at work or problems with relationships. But drinking too much alcohol or doing it too frequently is believed to actually increase the bodies responses to stress.Alcohol can also lead to: Dementia - memory loss, rather like Alzheimer's dementia. Psychosis - long- term drinkers can start to hear voices. Dependence - if you stop drinking, you get withdrawal symptoms such as shaking, nervousness and (sometimes) seeing things that aren't there. Suicide - 40% of men who try to kill themselves have had a long- standing alcohol problem. - 70% of those who succeed in killing themselves have drunk alcohol before doing so. What is the connection between depression and alcohol? We know that there is a connection - self-harm and suicide are much more common in people with alcohol problems.Drinking has become a habit when you or a loved one uses alcohol to relieve anxiety, relax or to get to sleep. The use of alcohol has become a habit if you consistently drink so that you will feel more comfortable in social situations. When drinking is used as a way to avoid thinking about unpleasant or sad situations, it may have become a habit. The same is true if you spend quite a bit of time socializing with other drinkers. There may come a time when the consumption of alcohol begins to take over your life. One sign that this is happening is if you worry about having enough alcohol for the evening or the weekend. If you hide alcohol or purchase it at various stores so that people won't know how much alcohol you are consuming you may have reached the point of having alcohol take over your life. When you are at a social gathering do you try to avoid letting others know how much alcohol you are drinking? Do you attempt to get extra drinks and hope that others will not see you doing it?Economic factors greatly affect a person's drinking patterns. High profiled businessmen drink at their exclusive men's club. Suburban dwellers drink at home parties with friends, family and neighbors. There are those who drink at local taverns. Even culture affects a person's predisposition to alcoholism. Studies show that the Irish and the Poles are among the cultural group with the highest incidence rate of alcoholism in the United States. The Italians,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Greeks and Jews on the other hand show the least number of alcoholics despite their heavy alcohol consumption. People in specific work groups have also shown high incidences of alcoholism. These include bartenders,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], night-club operators, liquor salesmen and seamen. The list of people who have been lured by alcohol can go on and every year the number is rising. It is your responsibility to say no and not become part of the statistics. Personal discipline and awareness can be your guiding rule. Countless homes and happy families have been ruined by irresponsible drinking. Alcoholism has taken so many successful careers, happy marriages and promising futures. Alcoholism at its worst has taken great many lives most often innocent ones.There are psychical and mental diseases. Alcoholism and drug addiction are mental diseases. It falls into the category of obsession - compulsion disorder. Is O.C.B. classified as a disease? There is evidence of studies that has been going on for years that show it can be hereditary. Studies in the 90's show there is a gene that predisposes one to be a alcoholic, but they have a chose. Sometimes all it takes is a few times drinking to unleash the obsession, the compulsion to have a drink comes next. Over time that O.C. becomes stronger and they give up the ability to stop on their own. Some people do stop on their own, very few, most continue on the road where their lives are centered on getting and using more. They may cover it up with denial,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],that "I can handle it" or " I can stop when I want to", as they pour another drink. Some people feel they control their drinking by only having a few when they come home from work, but through out the day that's all they think about (obsession) the compulsion is when they come home from work "to unwind", and they may do this for years and never miss work and their life is not unmanageable, They are called functional alcoholics. Over time they will be taking "liquid lunches", just a few to hold them over, or it may be in their desk,locker or car. It is not a personality or weak will person as to why they drink. Look how many presidents, C.E.O.'s, famous people are alcoholics.?
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