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“What do you think people want more of

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Dołączył: 14 Gru 2010
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PostWysłany: Czw 7:38, 23 Gru 2010 Temat postu: “What do you think people want more of

During the seven years I worked with Robert Allen’s Enlightened Wealth Institute I never learned how to become a one minute millionaire and honestly I didn’t care. But I did discover important life lessons that have served me well in life and in business. There is usually a platinum lining behind every cloud if you take the time to look for it. Here are seven secrets I carry with me still today from that experience. ? HOPE: Once while in his home office Robert turned to me, cocked his head sideways and asked, “What do you think people want more of, Denise – the motivational stuff or the how-tos?” I had only started working with him a few weeks before so I had a lot to learn still. I replied, “The how-tos, of course.” .Allen quietly added, “People will pay a lot of money for hope.” I didn’t get it at the time but I gradually came to discover that he was spot on. As I worked with protégés over the years in my teleclasses and at the Wealth Retreat seminars I was proven wrong about that particular answer over and over again simply based on my observations.Help people see themselves as successful and as if they truly can succeed and live their dreams. Even if they failed in the past they will want to buy from you, or, at least they will want to know more about what you offer. Give them hope. ? PASSION: I was at the office and had been b[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]ing Robert to call a guy back who wanted him to become an investor in a business deal. It had to do with cell phones back in the day before everyone had one. He was avoiding calling the guy back. Finally he called. “I’m not going to get in on your deal and here’s why,” he said. My ears perked up. Allen said,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], “I looked over your proposal and I think what you have is a winner and you’re going to make a lot of money with it – but that’s not the point. Sooner or later I would get pulled into it and I only get involved with businesses I’m passionate about.”You could’ve knocked me over with a feather. Never again did I feel inadequate for wanting to make money as a writer and an author, Never again did I feel bad about not signing up for network marketing deals where dollar bills were dangled in front of me – but I just didn’t have a passion for it as a business.? FOCUS: I used to pride myself on my ability to multi-task. I could juggle ten things at once and even felt a bit superior to those who couldn’t. When I started working with Robert G. Allen in his home office I noticed he did only one thing at a time. When we were working together he was 100 percent focused on our conversation. If he had to call someone you would think the person on the other end of the phone was the only person in the world to him. Over the months I noticed he never seemed stressed like me. I thought it must be nice to be a millionaire and then a person would have the luxury to think one thought at a time rather than racing around. I wasn’t envious of the fancy house, the travel or the other accoutrements – but I was a little envious of the way he seemed to have the time to just vision, think and develop new ideas. Then it dawned on me: maybe one of the things that helped him reach that level in the first place was his focus rather than being scattered and overwhelmed. I decided to try it. After all,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], I couldn’t run any faster and I could always go back to multi-tasking. At first I was afraid everything would fall through the cracks – but it never happened. All the things that mattered got done. I took time to vision and think and that time eventually resulted in my book, “Testosterone-Free Marketing.” And gradually, I made a lot more money in less time, too.? HIGHEST AND BEST: Once I came into the office and Robert was trying to put back together a metal mesh trash can that had come apart from the base. He kept turning it around quizzically trying to figure out how it went together as I stood there in silence. Finally he looked at me, rolled his eyes,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], smiled and said, “Now THIS really is the highest and best use of my time.” We both laughed.I thought about that idea, “the highest and best use of my time.” I would wake up and ask myself, “What is the highest and best use of my time today?” It caused me to start accomplishing the things that really mattered. Robert sometimes called it “selective procrastination.”Believe me, if you start asking yourself that question, checking your emails will NOT be the highest and best use of your time. You will however,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], start getting more done in less time. ? ULTIMATE BENEFIT: Actually I learned this one from one of the teleclasses Robert taught in the early days of the program before everything was delegated other trainers,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], including me. New business owners are often trying to figure out what they can say that will bring in the most new customers. Robert recommended you figure out what your ultimate benefit is and start there.Here’s how you determine your ultimate benefit. If I was to use your product or service for sixty days and did everything you told me to do and got a great result what would I have?That’s the ultimate benefit.? THE 10 PERCENT: I was about to head out the door a couple days before Robert was supposed to leave on a book tour for his Multiple Streams of Income book. He had just read a less than glowing review and sighed, “I get a lot of that.” I think he was preparing me for what might happen while he was on tour. I read the book before it was published and genuinely enjoyed it. Just as I grabbed my purse to leave he said, “Y’know,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], you can have a business where 90 percent of the people out there just hate you and the idea of what you do and still become a millionaire on the other ten percent.”Those words gave me courage and the will to persevere years later when my own book came out and it was embraced by many but loudly booed by a few. I would sigh and say, “Well,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], I guess they’re just not my ideal customer.” The knowledge that I can be “out there” and be my slightly crazy self,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], I don’t have to have everyone love or even like me still helps today. ? BE OPEN: One thing I noticed was that Robert was inquisitive and open to learn from everyone. He has a natural curiosity and constantly asked questions and listened intently to the answers. It was almost as if he was doing market research all the time. People often felt somehow honored that a big millionaire author like him was really listening to what they had to say.Ask questions about people’s ideas and opinions and listen to what people tell you. It’s one of the best ways to make people feel good about themselves and it might also help you get your next big, successful idea for your business.
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