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they are completelyinvisible

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Dołączył: 14 Gru 2010
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Skąd: England

PostWysłany: Śro 2:50, 22 Gru 2010 Temat postu: they are completelyinvisible

Most people who use computers today use them for work, games,research or socialization. With more and more people trying tobegin home businesses, the computer has become the essential toolfor their business startup and operation. People want to optimizetheir computers so that they will be as efficient as possible;however, there are many factors associated with the performanceoutput of a personal computer.In order for a computer to reach and maintain maximumperformance, many factors must be considered. On the hardwareside of the equation, one must consider their processor speed andsystem memory. With regards to the software side of yourcomputer, you must be aware of your computer's privacyprotection, system security, and anti-virus software.Additionally, you should do your best to take care of yourWindows operating system - such as Windows XP or Windows Vista �including its registry and the files cleanup process.To keep a PC running smoothly and error-free, there are somebasic steps that anyone can follow. Fortunately, none of thesesteps are really at all difficult. Anyone can do these tasks,with a little bit of basic education. Keep this article aroundfor future reference, just in case you need it again.Shut-Down ProcessesFirst off, it is important to understand that programs need to begiven the proper signals to shut down. It is strongly recommendedthat you never simply unplug your machine to turn it off. Pleasego through the normal shut down procedures, no matter how longthose processes might take.If you lose power, it really is an unavoidable event. Microsofthas done a good job at helping Windows know when it was shut downimproperly,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], so the next time you start up your computer,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], youroperating system might repair itself. Typically, when you restartyour computer after an improper shut down, it might take a fewminutes longer to boot up than usual. Let Windows do its longboot up after it has unexpectedly shut down. The longer boot upprocess is Windows attempt to repair any corruptions caused bythe unexpected shut down of your computer's operating system.If you need to shut down your system more quickly than usual, westrongly recommend that you utilize the Control-Alt-Delete keycombination, and then select Shut Down from your Windows TaskManager window. By utilizing this shut down method, Windows willmake appropriate notes to itself that it will need to do somecleanup on its next boot up sequence.If Windows is not allowed to clean up after itself,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], you run therisk of corrupting the operating system or different programs youhave loaded on your computer. Corruption of programs may forceyou to reinstall those programs. Corruption of your data files isthe worst-case scenario � you could lose hours or years of workin a single moment, as a result of your impatience. Don't beimpatient; let your computer do what it needs to do to repair andprotect your system files.Unnecessary Applications Running In The BackgroundThe "background" is not the image on your desktop. "Running inthe Background" is a reference to programs that are running onyour system in invisible mode. In some cases, they are completelyinvisible, and in other cases, the only indication that they areoperating is their icon in your System Tray, next to your clock.Certain programs think that they need to be operating in yourSystem Tray at all times. QuickTime,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Yahoo Messenger, MSNMessenger are three of these types of programs. Microsoft Officeeven thinks it should be loaded and running in your background.If you use these applications frequently and need access to themalmost instantaneously on a frequent basis, then yes, youprobably should let them run in the background. But, most of usonly use those applications on an infrequent basis.The theory of having those applications running in the backgroundis that it prevents you needing to wait thirty seconds while thesoftware loads,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], when you need access to those applications. But,there is a significant amount of trade-off for thirty seconds ofreduced wait time. That trade-off is a less-responsive computer.In worst-case scenarios, the thirty seconds saved at programstart-up could trim minutes of productivity from your fullworkday.While your system is operating, you can right-click on any iconnext to your clock and most programs will allow you the option toselect Close Application. By closing unnecessary applications,you can literally speed up the Windows operating system.With most versions of Windows, you can also go to Start � Run andthen type in "msconfig" and click OK. Once the Windows SystemConfiguration Utility opens, click the tab that reads Startup.You can review the list and deselect items that you will not wantto open when your computer boots up. It is important to note herethat you should only close applications that you recognize andknow that you can live without. Don't turn off an item in theStartup window, unless and until you know what that file reallydoes. A quick search for that file name on the Internet willgenerally turn up lots of pages explaining what those files do inyour Windows operating system environment.Mean Kids On The InternetMean kids, who are also computer nerds, frequently grow up to becomputer programmers who create Viruses and Spywareapplications.The mean teenagers of the programming world get their kicks fromturning our lives upside-down, with viruses that create amultitude of problems on whatever machines they can get theirsoftware installed. Virus writers with a criminal historyfrequently grow up to be people who write Trojans and Spywareapplications that seek to steal our private informationA Trojan is a malicious program that pretends to be a screensaveror some other non-threatening and fun kind of thing. When youexecute it on your computer, it installs malicious software andthen it does its dastardly deeds.Trojans and Spyware typically try to harvest private informationfrom your computer for the financial benefit of its creator. Mostof these kinds of computer programs only want to shove theiradvertising in your face (Adware) or track your Internet usagehabits, so they can sell that information to other businesses;but the really ugly versions try to steal your credit card dataand other financial data from your computer.For some people, Trojans and Spyware computer programs areresponsible for as much as a 60% deterioration of a computer'sperformance capability.Forgotten Programs On Your ComputerDo you remember some of those 30-day free trial softwareapplications that you tried once or twice, but never used again?Some of these applications may be running in the background ofyour computer. All of these programs are also still taking upspace on your hard drive.Never go into your Windows Explorer and simply delete foldersthat contain the software programs you will never use again.Instead, every two or three months, you should utilize your Add /Remove Programs procedure, which can be accessed by going toStart � Settings � Control Panel - Add or Remove Programs, andremove old computer programs that you no longer use. This canfrequently free up a lot of extra space on your hard drive. Itcan also free up some extra memory in your computer, if theprogram had been running in the background of your operatingsystem at startup.Final Closing ThoughtsIf you still encounter problems after following the aboves[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]estions, you may wish to try out "Advanced Windows Care v2Personal". It has been designed to help you perform all of theseessential protection and maintenance processes for your computer,enabling you to get on with more important tasks like making moremoney. This software can remove Adware and Spyware programs fromyour computer system, protect your privacy, prevent securitythreats,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], fix registry errors, and much more.This program is an all-in-one systems utility that only requiresa single click each day for proper computer maintenance,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],optimization and protection. It is free,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], so try it out. Remember,if you don't like the software, we have already taught you howto remove it, if you ever wanted to do so. If you want to keepthe software, that is fine too.
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