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PostWysłany: Sob 10:49, 26 Mar 2011    Temat postu: Bound on the essence of the 19 Three persons have

1 people do not pay is the economic basket case

market has always been stupid people sensible to earn money. In a market economy, as long as you participate in the economy, it is a economic man, the economic man of course, need the money, especially in the capital market, not philanthropists, only winners and losers. The economic man is not winning, but useless! No matter how successful you are in other areas, to the market, winning or losing is the only standard, in addition, are all rubbish.

2 without a banker only winners in the general definition

The so-called dealer, that is, those holding a lot of money, who can control the stock trend. The myth in the making, the making is described as omnipotent, both beyond the technical indicators, more than the fundamentals, even mention the broader market trend. Here that is only making the individual stocks, as the makers state, has become a so-called retail God. Makers of God on these rumors in the market do not have a second break, constitutes the fallacy of common sense streaming.

but called the dealer, one after another, piling up the mountain early bones. In fact, there is no market makers, there are only winners and losers! There are only various types of animals, there are very few smart hunter. Market is a hunting game, when you only have a small bow and arrow, you can beat the hare; when you have Tulong Dao, caught snakes, of course, a drag to play the key you have Tulong Dao?

3 death traps are your preferences in the market

in order to survive, the first is in the market to eliminate all preferences. Market, the temptation is always stuck by your preferences you to death. Market need is the edge of the dew of love rather than fly wing to wing, forever and stuff and the market has nothing to do. The market is only worth winning forever, no one to market, their aim is to win, independent of any winnings are nonsense.

must understand that anything that makes you buy a stock of reason, not because it shares how good or how well 忽悠, but you attempt to win money by buying and can pay the stock is good, or are all rubbish. Therefore, the market of any preferences, is lost into the trap you need to see through them one by one, and then turn over in order to survive in the market.

, of course, can see their own markets around the traps, only the first step, but also learn to use traps to winning the market. When you buy when the bear trap is your best chance, when you sell when the bull trap of course is your paradise.

4 market and dry

just by looking in the market The real hunters only observation, operation, wolf's mouth is not playing. Market is a hunting ground, you must first become a good hunter, and a good hunter, you can not mouth, but there must be one pair of external things is not the eyes, in her eyes, everything as illusion-like transparent.

hunter concerned only prey, the prey is not derived from the analysis, prey is not what you think, but what you see. Hunter is not afraid of a trap, the hunter is constantly looking at the prey, but a common result of different ways to fall into various traps, where the analysis does not matter, just to see and do.

hunter can say good or bad is not based on the number of lines in it, but to put it in their intuition. Good hunters do not look and see, mind and matter the same, if you do not understand this, then to the market in the past, there are numerous Tiger Balm wolf, use your eyes to see, use your heart to feel, rather than your ears to listen to gossip, use your brain to cramp.

5 must have the primary winding upward move after the most

simple and most useful technical indicators system is the so-called average system. MA system is obviously not a very precise system, too many are deceived line. Really useful article by representatives of a number of short, medium and long-term trend average composition of technical evaluation system.

any technical indicator system applications, the primary selection criteria and application of both the amount of funding and operation of time-related, out of this, to continue the discussion of any makes no sense. Therefore, everyone should follow their own situation to consider how to select the appropriate parameters.

average system, is sure to have the question of the relationship between moving averages of any relationship between two moving averages can be a category: close contact with wound.

close, there is less chance of the general trend is particularly strong in the time, but the trend is not too hot too long, So often followed by shock; exposure is the trend of any period during the most basic way to see, especially in the short side dominant, the Base is in this way, once the contact bounce on the end of the basic a; wound, after a larger trend of adjustment, there is a turning point in the trend, this is very common, especially in the short side dominant, if short-, medium-and long various types of moving averages to a repeated wound, often means that market to major turning point, to weather changes, and the short side edge to become multi-advantage.

any of the stock market turn, are made on a large wound caused by chance, and here two possibilities: one is the first wound, and then original trend to a large main upward move, create a trap, and then turn; the other, repeated wound, to construct a turning-point box,franklin marshall boutique, then the main upward move is the transformation of the market. Dominant side in the air case, once the wound, we should pay close attention, especially when the wound is in a dominant long after the short side, and we should pay more attention, and the subsequent decline is often a good opportunity to intervene . Must be reminded, that this is a trend in the formation of the first wound is not true. However, there must be the main upward move after winding.

Glossary: ​​

near: short-term moving average slightly flattening trend and continue to proceed according to the original.

Contact: Short-term moving average close to the long-term average but not below or rise above, and then trends continue, according to the original.

wound: short-term moving average or below average or even rise above long-term repeated winding, gluey.

6 no trend to the market does not run in the opposite

trend, there is a All up, down, consolidation is based on a certain cycle chart, for example, consolidation in the Japanese line, line in 30 minutes may be up or down, so be sure the chart is to determine the basis for the choice of the chart, and mentioned above, the choice of trading system is consistent, relevant to your money, personality, operating style.

operation difficulty is how to grasp the high and low points? This must be done to filter the average system, which is often said in front of the

If a trend, even short-term moving average can not break through, and that during the high, low, low-level but certainly on the chart, in the level of the chart does not make sense. When the trend of short-term moving average can not break through break through long-term average, it will form a .

turn, generally only two: First, the time for space to form a turning point. The first case, the biggest sign that the so-called Important to note: There is no trend, no divergence.

how to determine the First define a concept, known as Zen in the trend of wrapping efforts: the former a Both before and after the trend in the same direction, when wrapped around the trend in the intensity of Zen wrapped around than last time trend in the intensity of Zen is weaker, to form a According to this definition, is the most secure way, but the only drawback is that to wait before re-winding judge, this time, the trend away from the real turning point has been a little distance. How to solve this problem: the first method, look down upon a level map, according to the kind of approach from which to find the corresponding turning point. Such a low base and the real is not much distance.

because the concept is real-time, we can immediately determine the current trend in the winding, said Chan wrapped around the average intensity and the previous trend in the average intensity of Zen the strength of contrast, when the last time the weak, can determine the

by this method, the real turning point in the base can fully grasp the same time. But there is a defect,Franklin & Marshall Pantalon Femme, the risk is slightly larger, and the skills needed to be high, the market feels better than that.

extension of the concept:

wrapped around said hub Zen trend Concept: Type in a trend level was at least three consecutive times-level type of overlapping part of the trend, the trend is called entangled in the Zen center.

wrapped in Zen correction: at any level of any trend in the trend of a complete type contains only one wrapped around the trend in the Zen center to entangled as the level of consolidation, said Zen.

wrapped in Zen trend: at any level in any trend, the trend of a complete type of order at least two or more entangled in the same direction Zen trend center, called the level of bound trend, said Zen.

7 buy only three
market transactions, is the sale of Point of the final analysis, the sale of completeness is the theoretical point of completeness, therefore, this issue must be discussed in a general . 100% safe trading point is this, the market inevitable turning point, there is no need to distinguish the case of vague or need to choose. Market transactions can not be completely contingent on the building in which the absolute necessity of the market, is the only reliable trading harbor.

from a series of movements on the wound center, said the analysis shows that Zen, in the movements of any one point to face two possibilities: movement type continuation or turning point. All transactions must correspond to the points closest to the grade of a central relationship. For the buy, it certainly produced under the center corresponds to a turn generate the necessary backbone corresponds to continue. The center has three conditions: continuity, expansion and new life.

central extension if it is, it is impossible in the central selling points, because the central hub on all the necessary requirement for continuation of the trend is turning downwards In this time, there may be only selling point. The expansion or new center, there will be over in central selling points, such selling points, is the third category to buy. In other words, buy a third type of expansion or new center generated.

formed under the central selling points, if the center is on the rise among, under, and not necessarily in the formation of the central selling points, under the central selling points, there may be only the trend of consolidation in the fall and type.

other words, a rising trend is confirmed, never again have a first and second buy, buy only be a third category. For the case of consolidation, expansion and its new hub, can not necessarily guarantee the emergence of the buy-up to produce turn, because of its expansion and new development can be down, but for the case of central extension, after the formation of the central end at any time can break the continuity, not necessarily a turning point upward, so the consolidation of the cases, the center does not necessarily produce the next buy. Therefore, only after the center established in the fall had just may be the next buy. This is the first buy.

second and the first class buy buy is closely linked, as occurs after the first buy, the inevitable correction occurs only with the rising movement type, something for the emergence of the first level of the second paragraph of sub-trend buy low to constitute the second category, the trend will be based on the principle of perfection, then there must be sub-level upward trend in the third paragraph there, so the selling points is absolutely safe.

second selling points, not necessarily appear in the center of the upper or lower, you can appear in any position, arising under center, then the intensity be suspect, there the possibility of expansion of the central great, appears in the center, there center expansion and new chance at life in half, appeared in the central, central to much of the new opportunities. But in both cases, profitability is inevitable.

Obviously, the first category is a buy and buy some before and after the second class, and could not produce coincidence, and buy the first class and the third category , under a central one in the center above, they can not have overlap. Buy only the second and the third category is the possible overlap buy.

8 investment than the market is full of self-cultivation

infinite temptation and a trap, corresponding to people's greed and fear. Simply stay in the technical level, at best, a trading machine, even in the market recently been a certain return,franklin marshall pas cher, but the returns are based on the cost of life-consuming. No matter how much return, are not worth the cost of life. Life, only life can return to fathom what life is life, and not for students not to bring, refuses to take the so-called return.

in contemporary society do not understand the capital markets, is not qualified to survive, and stuck in the capital markets, can only be a mechanized existence. Investment market is the ultimate accomplishment than with personality and insight, the light from the art on the set, can only ever be craftsmen, can not become the real master.

9 MACD accuracy of 90%

to completely resolve divergence problem, we must conduct further analysis of the central nervous system, where elaborate MACD divergence aid of such a judge is not absolutely accurate, but more convenient, easy to understand way, for those who have not grasp the basic analysis of the central people , is helpful.

First, the divergence has the same level of problems, a one minute level of divergence, in most cases, will not create a Weekly top level of a large, unless the divergence occurs at the same time online. However, there must be reversed after the divergence occurs, it is not any non-negotiable.

was to ask whether the reversal of how much? That is simply re-emergence of new trading points until the second level. Since all trading point, ultimately can be attributed to a certain level of first sale point, and point of divergence with the sale of closely related species, so it can be said that any reversal,franklin et marshall, must contain a certain level of divergence,Franklin & Marshall Pants, for future use rigorous way to prove the following theorem: wrapped in Zen divergence - trading point theorem: any divergence will inevitably create a certain level of trading point, point of sale and purchase of any level are bound to a certain level from the trend of divergence.

judge with MACD divergence, we must first have two trends in the same direction. There must be between the trend with a trend of consolidation or reverse connection, these three sections are called A, B, C above. Obviously, B's central level than A, C in the central level should be large, or A, B, C and even as a big trend or large hub of the. Section A before and B must be the same level or greater level of a hub, and can not be a reverse trend, and A, otherwise it will be three sections in a large hub in the.

summarized above, to determine with MACD divergence on the premise that, A, B, C segment in a big trend in which A has previously a hub, and B is the major trend of the other center, the center of the yellow and white usually will MACD line (that is, DIFF, and DEA) pulled back to 0 near the axis. The trend of the type C section is completed the corresponding MACD column area (look up the red pillar, looking down the green column) than in the corresponding area A smaller segment, this time to constitute a standard divergence.

above divergence is the most standard method to judge. Then, divergence in the consolidation of work? Divergence is that the trend in most standard divergence form. The correction method to judge a similar divergence, they can have good results. This method of consolidation in the application of a similar divergence, called divergence consolidation judgments.

not broken if the central C section, in the event MACD section area of ​​less than C-pillar A section of an area, then there must be even decline. Complex is broken if the C segment center, but the MACD is less than A section of the column area, and this principle is the first time out, then two, and if fell back without re-dropped back to the first in the second level buy cover for a class, just the contrary, the level of the third category constitutes a buy, otherwise to continue the consolidation.

divergence with consolidation divergence of both cases, the divergence is the most important event of divergence, it fell back, must be at least re- Back to the B section in the center. The divergence correction, usually worse in the correction of shortening the time used, if the center during break, fell back must understand that the above two cases.

must be noted that both divergence and divergence correction, as long as appropriate to meet the above criteria, the technology is absolutely, without any or Ran.

must be noted that, due to the limitations of MACD itself, to accurately determine the divergence and the divergence correction, or starting from the center itself. MACD auxiliary light with judgments, even if you do not know of central, as long as distinguish A, B, C three sections, the accuracy rate should be 90%. The central co-ordination, that is 100% absolute, because it can use pure logic to prove mathematical reasoning.

10 value of the stock is a bait

market, the only One of the activities, in fact, the exchange of money and stock movement. The stock is worth the paper, what fundamental analysis, the value of that value in the final analysis this is crap, the stock is paper, the only function is to allow you a certain time after a sum of money into other legally money certificate. Nature of the transaction is put into a sum of money, in some time into the other sum of money out of the certificate which is the variety of transactions. Essentially, anything can be a variety of transactions, the so-called value stocks, but the money you put into it to lure the bait.

Similarly, market risk is the only money you invest the time in the back of the certificate can not be replaced with the appropriate more money, in addition to Beyond this, the risk is shit all the risk. However, any certificate, in essence, is waste paper, to 0 any of the above prices are bound to include any transaction risks, that is, may lead to putting their money back at some point in exchange for more money can not be Therefore, there is always the risk of trading. So, what kind of possible, making the transaction is without risk? The only possible negative is the price you have a certificate. What is the true master, never defeated a master? That have the ability in the corresponding period of the certificate of any person to become a negative price. For true masters, the transaction does not matter what the fact is, as long as the market fluctuates, you can put the credentials of any period of time long enough to become negative prices.

11 the end of history is not difficult to find

trend, there must be at least two with the level of central, for the divergence, it certainly does not occur in the first hub, the hub must be at least after the second , for the extension of the trend that is likely in the central place only after the hundredth divergence, of course, such a situation, in general, see a few times a century. The second hub after the divergence of the situation have generally accounted for the vast majority of cases, particularly above the level in Japan, which for almost 90%.

Thus, if a day above the level of the second hub, we should pay close attention to the emergence of divergence. In a small level, such as 1 minute circumstances, this ratio should be smaller, but also the majority. Generally appeared after four or five central divergence, are quite rare.

hub if appeared in the first divergence, it will not be the true sense of the divergence can only be regarded divergence correction, the real technical meaning, in fact, an attempt from the center of the movement, because the intensity is limited, is blocked in the back center. In general, the level of consolidation of small divergence, meaning not too large, and must be combined with its position, if it is high, then the risk is even greater, often licking the blood knife-edge activities. But if it is low, and that meaning is different, because most of the second, three types of selling points, are in fact constituted by the divergence correction, while the first selling points, constitute the majority of divergence from the trend.

In general, the second, three types of selling points, there is a trend of three sections, often breaking point of the third paragraph of the first paragraph limit position, to form the divergence correction. Note that this is the first and third paragraphs as the comparison between the two types of movements, and trends of divergence in this situation a bit different, whether the type of the two trends is the trend must have a big problem, two correction divergence in the consolidation is also able to compare the strength. Here, the first to add a definition, that is, a level of a particular type of trend, or if it constitutes divergence divergence correction, this trend put the level of divergence type is called a segment.

consolidation divergence of the most useful, is to use a large level, especially above the level at least weekly, found that divergence correction and often is a historic bottom. With the MACD, this divergence is very easy to judge. Examples of this are many, such as 000002, everyone knows that the stock is a big bull stock, but the bottom Ushimata, if the theoretical study of this ID is no one can be found.

season to see the stock chart, the first quarter of 1993 dropped to 36.7 yuan in the first quarter of 1996 to 3.2 million, constitutes the first period, just before and after 13 quarters, a magic number; the first quarter of 1996 and the third quarter of 2001, 15.99 yuan, constitute the second paragraph, a typical triangle, the second paragraph of the central triangle is very common there, after 23 quarters, and the magic number of 21 or less; third quarter of 2001 dropped to the third quarter of 2005 to 3.12 yuan, after just 17 weeks, half the magic number 34, is also an important figure. First drop is 33.5 yuan, and the third is 12.87 yuan, respectively, 34 and 13 with the magic number is very close.

as the next magic number of 13 is 21, with 17 described earlier, is the third paragraph of the decline can not, therefore, standing on this point of view, Vanke 2.99 yuan in the vicinity is the end of the iron. However, this figure of little importance, the most simple judgments can also use MACD, the first paragraph of the third paragraph below 3.2 million, but has obviously been the standard MACD divergence form: Withdrawing 0 axis of yellow and white lines down is not created again low, and the pillars of the area is significantly less than the first paragraph, in general, as long as one of the meet can be a divergence of the signal, both to meet even more standards.

can be seen from the quarterly figure, Vanke fell below 3.2 yuan for the issue of divergence of the signal. The actual operation, just look at quarter line is impossible to find exact time to buy, but for big money, it was enough, because the big money has always been Jiancang can buy more or more, followed by a quarter as long as that level Quotes on it. For smaller funds, this is a waste of time, so you can continue to buy the exact monthly, weekly, daily or even 30 minute line had been looking down, if your technical clearance, you can even spot that, in This 1 minute, Vanke to see the bottom of the historic big. Below 3.2 yuan for quarter line after the establishment of this divergence is already confirmed, and the trend of the third paragraph, from the month, weekly, daily, etc., could have been analyzed down to find the most precise divergence point.

12 Divergence Theorem

winding turn, said Zen Divergence - turning Theorem: A-level trends will lead to the divergence of a central trend of the last level of expansion, a greater level of consolidation that level or that level above the level of anti-trend.

13 rather buy or not to buy up the small

funds, the fund management is not a particularly big problem, but with the accumulation of profit, capital increases, capital management has become the most important thing. In general, as long as there are good technologies, from million to million yuan grade level, is not that hard to do. But after the million yuan, few people can go up and steady growth. All the short-term visitors, to a certain scale of development in the capital, I entered a state of stagflation, once into the large level of adjustment, then their colors seen enough of this kind of thing. Thus, in the beginning to develop good money management habits, it is extremely important. Investment, is the life of the game, was their colors is a very sad thing, good financial management, to ensure long-term stable capital accumulation, to some extent, more than any of the technologies are important, but more and more important . For large funds, the last Competition, in fact, is the fund management level.

funds, must be long-term stress-free, this is the most important. Some people borrow money from investments, profit also continued to overweight after the results were a game dream.

a stress-free funds, the investment is the first point, although repeatedly said before, but finished the above example, or to re-emphasize . Another important, and that is their own funds, management must not be to others, their own plates, must be responsible for their own, not his own life over to someone else.

can not place yourself in a dangerous situation, the so-called Last Stand, home of the resurrection, not the capital market should be the attitude. This attitude may be one o'clock success, but ultimately bound to fail. Technical analysis is the most important, to let you know whether the market is doing, what position in the market do; let you know that a set position, how to hold, how to hold a small level and gradually transformed into a large level hold, how to exit. All are ultimately for the financial management services, investment in the stock itself is not the ultimate goal, but the funds did not recover the funds, all no meaning. Stocks are paper, any negligence on the capital, will cause irreparable damage.

any person, to be clear that much money in the market are nothing, and, in proportion to the loss of funds, 1 trillion and 1 million, according to the proportion of losses, the speed becomes 0 is the same.

one of the most simple and most effective management, is that when the cost is 0 before, make the cost to 0; when the cost becomes 0, the stock would earn until the stock to see the historic big top, that is, at least selling point appears above the month. Some of the worst habits, is the stock rising to keep jiacang, this will be a problem. Buy stocks, preferring to keep or continue to buy, and there is absolutely no up overweight. Investment funds to buy a stock, there must be careful, well prepared, this is like the military war, not ready how is it possible to win? In fundamentals, technical and other aspects of good, strong intervention is necessary, one-time buy. Even if you do not have the confidence to buy time to prove you're not ready, then do not buy an. After buying, if you technical clearance, immediately increase is normal, but if not this level, down, unless there is no reason to prove that you bought, and technical severe form, or can not throw a share. And the funds can be used to get some part of the short motor difference (note that for each stock purchase, should remain part of the mobility of capital, such as 1 / 10), so the cost down, but the short time difference, must not increase the number of shares, so that it could really drop the cost down, some people like buying more and more, in fact, not a good habit. This is how much stock to buy, the total number of overall funding, research should begin well into the future can no longer increase.

14 Rongrubujing is the right path

trend as the forest , in which the beast has a natural instinct of danger like this intuition of danger did not happen always in danger before, but the beast is that the greater the ability, once the danger has passed, and it starts a new food, the original danger has passed, the shadow will not have any psychological, but let intuition of danger is more acute. No trend is worthy of fear, if you have fear of some trends, some surprise, then, you still face first, complain male level, it continues to hone the trend in the present, so that all fear , surprise vanished. Here, the only positive news, right view, is science, is the line, and not face the first male with the complain, even if the surface of the first man to be cute than a little bit of resentment.

15 is not only dead

rhythm the rhythm of the market, There is only one: buy buy, sell selling point. Such a simple question, but never able to observe people, to have a few? What prevents you from listening to the rhythm of the market? Is your greed and fear. Selling points, the total falling in the formation, but fear is holding you back; selling point, the total appears in the rise, but the greed stop you. One dominated by greed and fear of people, only the fate of the market is: dead!

market, the stock is a good buy on the stock, selling shares on the stock is bad, good or bad addition to the classification are in vain. The only trusted the market is sound, the rhythm of the market, which requires you to listen carefully, with a win over the hearts of greed and fear to listen.

rhythm, forever, only the rhythm of the market the moment, who as long as the confrontation with this rhythm, only pain and suffering in the waiting. Possible?

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