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PostWysłany: Czw 13:08, 17 Mar 2011    Temat postu: Happy face drops . sad heart drops

People say I'm always happy ,nike mercurial
always gives people a feeling of worry
it but no one know me
all my heart than anyone I have disguised himself vulnerable
just do not want other people touching my heart I have everything

sad sad I have lost but I never said

I want people to know my weakness
I like the night
I can pretend all I could have torn

sad grief and loss can also no longer have to suppress what

I know people want to live a happy life free and easy
the waiver The do not hold too much should not care about the
the more tolerant
should always remember that I live for myself and not let themselves be suffering torture

not let other people about their own lives
I want to get away from this chaotic world
escape the complicated world of
to a real world,beats by dre, only their own lives
in the real world there is no real self-
only loaded heavy shell
Lonely walk through the
me ... a little I
a happy but not really the most laughter I
perhaps to mask his sadness
may be driven to the lonely hearts ...
not that the way ... or create a life for themselves ...

Strong storms before 2010 Quotations prostitution

You will love me next year

Wen Jiabao the basic principles of life ( read li

Leo astronomy terminology. Latin/English: Leo li (Smile ? u 'Greek: ? ν omega one Sunday afternoon about orientation: about direction is a bit north in the east, level 40 deg sky area. 264C Unicode code: Also pointed out that was born in the Gregorian calendar 07 June 23, 2008 the 22nd. Songs CengYi Leo is debut album recorded can be original songs, 2009 popular songs sung song one.

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