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are where we are

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Dołączył: 26 Lut 2011
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PostWysłany: Czw 12:48, 10 Mar 2011 Temat postu: are where we are

Editor's Note: No matter how big, is always in front of parents of children grow up in front of their parents any indulgence, petty temper, but not too spoiled. Noise in the ears from the world will think of their parents warned him, in front of their parents is the princess. Always inseparable from the family. Look better, greetings of the! Three in the morning, I lie down in bed, headphones music noise barriers fly it eardrum, the eardrum as the head of the blood vessels and the beat with the music, the vibration provocation, provoke pains Ming Weng, Dad quickly taken refuge space for a message board into an ambiguous soil, my dear father, and my dear mother, good morning out. Mouth curvature passing, rub it into the middle of the night susceptible to raging emotions, like the newly sprung in the bud, open a little bit tentative, until tender and will not increase when the cover. -
Dad, I love you.
When I unscrew these shocking words, the sad anxiety fled the scene, like a thief embarrassed, hid bed imagine your handsome face, I do not like kind, the kind a word of aging.
dust stained Su said, ZHU Xiao beads, you are my princess. Watch the screen light blue, the nose-like momentum in tight cramp.
miss is the silence in the lonely struggle in seeking to meet, to excite the well-being.
2009 summer vacation, I was dad received Guangzhou, playing the way I hope those curious Gezhuochechuang eccentric landscape, dotted with high-speed street lights like stars in the sky and quickly submerged in the dark, I stare his eyes had never seen as elongated as the voice said, Dad, wow, you like living in heaven Yeah, but do not open less scattered fog.

arrived in Guangzhou that the temporary home has been at two points, after her mother prepared meals, smoking hot Dangqi small room full of the warmth, there is the cup, and cola have been laid out, such as deliberately prepared one seat feast.
She looked at me carefully, I will hold in her arms shoulder high sly smile, mother, you are enjoying a monster or a good long think your daughter? Her as if to hit me, I pretended grievances frustration muttering,beats by dre, rice is yet to warm you this degree of chilly to freeze, and then it was filled with laughter at home mom dad tucked thrown the phrase Women You should be proud to say I quickly asked to chew bite the correct word, Dad will be proud of exaggerated smile, the mother can not help but ineffectively angle endurance, eat, you were great shrewdness, and she piled full of meat into my bowl and press into an outing dishes.
Dad, Mom, I announce to you a very serious matter, I am pretending to be decent Raising the head, did not forget to stretch tone emphasis on the very word.
wore tall monsters there, you can live safe in the crevices of the things that are absurd, you have Han serious things to you that crooked head,beats by dr dre, said her mother clinging to a casual meal. 'd Have my father around the mood at me, paused hand and asked, girl, what happened? I say judge severity.
mother she did not interest me, I tell you, my mysterious V in his ear, squinting glance mom did not convert expression.
Dad, I think the mom too lazy to put the next meal should be more than one empty bowl to me, you rub the food more convenient.
Dad can not help to pull the mouth, the rice into their mouth in the throat of a staggering of the carbazole, and I laughed body before and after the bump, and her mother through the blind Lehe. -
Dad, you said this is not serious? I carried his mother asked wink.
He nodded as the erroneoused like straight, his mouth vague humming en er, Mom would put the sound in my ear V Q: What is it serious enough to have you both as god child Lehe?
achieve the desired effect I would air the Du Qizui: Mystery not leak. She has the idea of playing dad, my dad is innocent under the hands shakes his head, tossing until the mother was restless, I looked at her mercy: look at you you were on my mother, I I tell you,dre beats, but you have to stabilize your emotions well, do not have a cap on my head rice excitement.
not, you go first, my mother, driven by curiosity, she agreed that any grievance of unequal treaties.
I put down the bowl as if to stress the Fushun chest, like a very solemn thing declared careful memorized lines stranded in the heart by heart.
to hold back the enraged mood of her mother, staring contemptuously at me, said to be wrapped will bowl you, Dad Xingzailehuo smile, smile very exaggerated, like the quack who kept his armpit limb nest. Huang
this scene in my mind, distant noise, a clear mind beacon lit, all the way to be a happy feeling naughty, who said I was their princess, has nothing to do with the sweet words of love.
I was washing dishes Akira natural child, when I was ready to pack up, my mother would seize the past, the love overflows to cover overdue in the eyes, to find a pretext said: You do not wash clean, my princess, and sat the car so long, rolling to go to bed early. -
My princess.
I repeated these words to weigh the feelings of chewing weight of glistening eyes she felt the hot roared.
close to four in the morning, I felt tired, leisurely shaking often to bed, Mom and Dad pushed a bed to sleep in the middle of her mother, she said: you and your father to take care with earthshaking, Mimi ambiguous in who squeezed my nose, so when my eyes open, hands are out of the way, I got up and looked at Dad half, sleep is foolish, mouth in the dim light under the door gap hides a tight hold in the Guixiao, I hand scratched his face, scratch his ears, fast asleep holding the mother put on a voice, eyes half-amused catch him, and so has not touched his hand to my nose, I shook my mother, grumble (complain something in a bad-tempered way)ing the squeamish : Mom, Dad squeezed my nose, smell, and then heard the voice of my father beat my mother vague condemning co.
those days, was deposited in my warmest memory of silhouettes, the never-ending
used to house dirty, nest in a minuscule bed sleeping position did not converge, the next day wake up and have left me alone, and is the other side of the bed, rubbing his sleepy eyes, got up and hobbled to look forward to the next office Dad, after he touched my spoon Q: girl, eat breakfast yet?
not, you have to work, I would be no breakfast? I spoke of discontent rise of the mouth.
hurry up eat breakfast down in the rice cooker, there is a good hot milk and
father eat very little to do, but then I fell in love with his eggs,mercurial vapor, often I'm still in bed, watching him cautiously for eggs, and then he put on the cooker with hot milk, he said: Nuanwei boiling milk, and my heart thrown up a kind of happiness, that unique the princess will enjoy the favor.
noon, come back, give vent to my mother's sleeping position restless, neurotic father looked at me and said, you know you do last night was it? -
Sleepwalking? Talking in your sleep? Would not you? I guess the surprise, looked at him Zhihuang head, I anxiously asked, how do I it?
you hold me Ah eating allowed big toe licking mouth, he picked up gold as hearty laugh as I crawled into his arms to hold up to the end of his nose, pulled his ears the other Hand, retaliation line call: Mom, you see Pig.
mother's smile will Xingzailehuo dad said: You used to own a day that woman yeah. -
Dad rolled his eyes installed state of death.
pleased to forget those who work in secular and laugh, we all have thought, along with some other members of the clown amutilized smile, but the members of the football to open the noisy, leaving only a princess and her family. Happy not only to maintain health and love to use, but also understanding, a dynamic and resilient sense of humor.
those days I used to shake her father's office and the mother plant, after two or three days they get bored, rear end all day with her father cried, malodorous Daddy, I want to work, my father is not reasonable I, just after the morning, make breakfast every time he would let me up to go to work and started humming a song I am pleased to have children, but then discovered the so-called job is to throw my computer online.
I am not a quiet person, always like something all right in the naughty, climb on the father turned around pull office, looking out of the new production of jewelry, and my father stared deliberately pulled the nose, and I hugged him and extend the tone : Yeah Dad, I want nice ah. Stop swaying his arm.
No, no, he shake his head with Huang Bo Luo like.
I tired of him, He will do Pidianpidian behind them to be, people to see me to ask the director, this is your daughter, and he smiled and stared at me hehe said: No, I do not know her, how can I then glanced at the woman.
after all, are his compromise, he gave me a pair of very nice snowman, I will no longer bothering him.
your mother, your uncle played for some of my comrades I have not agreed to this unique model of the snowman, but afterwards, my dad had me enthusiastically and said to me.
That is, you soon will be flooded out of production.
will not, not the final production of this factory.
when I rub my mother had no money to spend next to mom, I turn the sound off pretty long and I did not have money, loan-to-point scatter models, I am a white, after she learned to say my accent, find your dad go, I was barren,.
my shameless disturbed her work, she and my dad finished as funny after compromise.
I get to demonstrate off my father gave me the snowman, she muttered pupil luster release, so many people did not sympathize with your dad means to you He gave the princess.
wrong, I just the two of you princess, I gave her a
tired out of this happy and harmonious life, walking with, you can rely on them like a baby, is not able to replace the so-called grown up, because I was their princess. Two people's princess.
parents after work, I always grabbed the rock to the night market, Dad left arm, shook his right hand Mimi's mother, color, girl, come, hold me, I'll give you warm. Dad could not help laughing his head, my mother came to me there should be flat on my face, I run backwards, make faces at her twisted face.
went to night market with nice clothes, she always let me try, good-looking would not hesitate to buy it, even if she seldom buy their own.
are three of us in the place, people always see us holding each arm, his face rippling smile,dr dre headphones, think of themselves envious eyes with too lonely.
day, working in the factory will be startled cousin asked me, you are so massive, how have the nerve to pestering your parents?
They are my parents, why should I embarrassed? I asked her
generational gap is both cumulative, I caved in, then we regard the heart presumptuous, like a kind of intimate friends, like a princess-like Chongni. We do not know who in the world, blooming tranquilly happy, is not accidental, is invariably a tacit agreement exists.
not stroll the night market night, I was dad inside me would demand at the factory gate opposite the school dance, he moved away from a perch on the front of the large trees, along with several middle-aged woman pulled her mother lives on, jump tired Dad ran into the arms of dawdling nest blew out of his hand scratching his beard, he reached down to rub my beard with the chin face, I shouted: Mom, help ah.
mother ignored me, but no alternative but to mock the woman said to the crowd: those two God children,beats by dre, Which are like two little dolls to play jump, the woman he used his usual, and said his daughter was his princess .
also pay any attention to me and his father, tired and run over her shoulder, said breathlessly climbing Mom, Dad too fresh, she wiped my face with laughter Oh, my sweat.
Later, the factory people meet me I Xiaohe princess, especially in the factory's gate security, he said, I have seen in this world love you in silence in the warmth of the kiss, you are your parents princess.
ah, my parents, I am your princess grace a set of love.
are where we are, no matter how noisy will be alienated in the eardrum, because I am your princess. -

perhaps a bit better

the old stretch of barren hills and is green

Both my parents came from towns in Mexico. I was born in El Paso, Texas, and when I was four, my family moved to a housing project in East Los Angeles.
Even though we struggled to make ends meet, my parents stressed1) to me and my four brothers and sisters how fortunate we were to live in a great country with limitless opportunities. They imbued2) in us the concepts of family, faith and patriotism.
I got my first real job when I was ten. My dad, Benjamin, injured his back working in a cardboard-box factory and was retrained as a hairstylist. He rented space in a little mall and gave his shop the fancy name of Mr. Ben's Coiffure3)

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