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Forum Free-java Darmowe Gry JAVA Strona Główna

so ladies and gentlemen

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Dołączył: 20 Gru 2010
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Skąd: England

PostWysłany: Śro 6:16, 12 Sty 2011 Temat postu: so ladies and gentlemen

Mrs. Kent was observing the audience in the classroom, all quiet while still trying to et what Mrs. Kent just said. It is not really such a shocking and big news actually, but Mrs. Kent just couldn't stop but feel proud of what she has just announced. “Ladies and gentlemen, believe me, it is true. Our school soccer team has been selected to for the state level match. As principal, I am proud of them, my students and your children.”"But, we need some financial help to send them there."There is an apparent change in the mood of the crowd. Everyone, including those that didn't pay much attention earlier, gave her their full attention now. There were mix emotions in the crowd, some showing enmity towards the announcement, while some were showing untold fear and despair. The mood in the room lasted long enough,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], decided Mrs. Kent and she couldn't help but wondering how she could end her misery by just running out of the room. But she pushed that thought away as she remembered her responsibility as principal of the school to fulfill her duty so she sat up straight in her chair and tried to continue with the task at hand."Ladies and gentlemen, I know all your personal situations. But we are all involved in this. We need to raise the money so they can go for the match. The teachers from our school have thought of an idea. From each parent,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], we collect donations of twenty five dollars each and every donor would receive a complimentary custom made backpack with the school's football team's logo and their motto on it. This can prove to be a good chance for the community and the school to work on something together for a change, so we can make an effort to change the bad image and impression others had on us before. Don't you all think we need to be given this opportunity? And the children. Don't you think they should grab their opportunity too?""So, ladies and gentlemen, let us vote to see if we agree to let the project go on."Sarah, who is sitting among the audience listening to the school principal's word, have been trying to concentrate and digest what she had just said while she keeps thinking of the houses that she would have to clean tomorrow. She felt wobbly thinking of the amount of money. Since she has seven people to feed at home, she cannot think of how she can afford to donate that amount of money. After spending some time thinking, she thought of asking the rich ladies who own some of the houses she cleans whether they are willing to pay for a cute looking cheap sling backpack for their own children. As she thinks further, she confirms that this is the only way to do this, but she cannot help but squirm thinking of the faces she will see when she ask her employers for their help. The faces which shows negative feelings or even worse, pitying faces. But in the end, she thinks of Billy and how all of these is for him, thus she signed to show that she agrees with the project.A few seats down her row,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], a man can be seen sighing loudly, as if he has something heavy on his mind. Tobias was showing remorse due to the fact that he cannot congratulate his son, William, as soon as he got the news. The law forbids him to see him until next Monday, when he is allowed to spend time with him. At first he thought he could just call, but then he just laughed it off when he remembered about how things are with Jennifer. She is still reluctant to see him, or even answer his countless phone calls. Tobias had always wanted to show that he cared even after what had happened between them,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], all the fighting and hitting that he did to her. He always said to himself it was all caused by the excessive drinking,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], but in the end he still realized that it was all caused by him. He opened his wallet, and stared at the last fifty dollar bill inside, thinking about how desirable it is to spend it on gin before he got his next pay next Monday. He blocked his thought of alcohol out feeling bitter about himself, and he forced himself to hand over the money before he even regretted his decision. He realizes how much William would love the backpack with the team's logo on it and he wants to make up for his mistakes he has done."What is all this soccer crap? The children are already busy as it is with their school work and they have to help in the shop also, where would they find the time for all of this? Fundraising backpacks? Our children have to resort to being beggars now is it?" Furiously, he stood up and headed straight for the door,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], wanting to get out from the room as soon as possible, then two other parents left with him.“Please, calm down, everyone.” Mrs. Kent wanted to shout, honestly this meeting proved worse than the most unruly class of students. Maybe that was the reason for unruly students, unruly parents themselves! Keeping her temper in check, she drew a deep breath and proceeded. "Everyone, please listen to me. We will make sure that every student will be involved in this fundraising project, but this will only be successful with the help and support of not just the teachers, but also from you all. We only invited those from this community, your friends and your neighbors who live close to you all, to be part of this project and you all should be compassionate about this project of ours."At the back, Mira felt another migraine pounding in her head. Why she ever agreed to come to this meeting, she thought to herself, as she worried over the pending projects left in the office. Her Blackberry constantly vibrated incoming emails and she longed for the meeting to end, so that she could reply her messages and return to the office. All-nighters were common, and if Leslie was not down with overstress in the hospital, she would not be here at all. Roy would like it, she knew,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], sturdy fabric with mesh pockets, with his very own team emblem imprinted on it. He would be so proud! “Roy would be prouder if his parents did not miss every match he played in,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],” Mrs. Kent’s voice sounded in her head. As she pledged her twenty-five dollars, she was assaulted by another agonizing stab in the head and scrambled for the aspirin in her handbag.I have calculated the votes and it seems we have enough votes to go on with the backpack idea, so ladies and gentlemen, I am happy to say the project will go on as planned!"After shaking the last parent's hands, she sat down on the table and took a deep breath, showing relief that the ordeal is finally over.
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